Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Closure I needed...

Last night, i became outraged when my cell phone stopped working in mid text. I tried powering it off and back on again. I took the battery out, and all the usual motions. I became so frustrated by the keypad that wouldn't seem to work. I thought to myself...Somewhere in this room I have an old phone. The race was on.
I searched drawers, tables, shelves, and finally. At the tip top shelf of my chaotic closet I found it! However, as I placed my memory card in the phone I was faced with memories I'd wanted to forget.
This was a phone I'd used in the past. When I was with him. It had a background photo of the two of us and tons of old texts saved in the phone memory. How could my night get any worse? I was so frustrated by the night's events and the last place I wanted to stroll was memory lane! I anticipated butterflies. I anticipated that deep breathtaking stab right in the gut that makes you wonder, makes you miss.
As I stared at the texts I realized it. The feeling wasn't there. No stabbing, no butterflies.
I began to replay the night over and over in my head. I realized then that I had been so frustrated in my new phone breaking and the search for the new one. God was trying to teach me something. This was my test. My strength test. As I looked over words and memories that used to mean so much, I felt nothing. Nothing at all. They were just words on an old phone. Meaningless words. Lies.
I began to thank God for showing me how strong I have become. It was just the thing I need to know that I was truly done, Forever. I finally understood that I had accomplished the contentment and strength I've longed for.
We must remember that everything happens for a reason. Try to find a good in all the bad. Try to think about the deeper meaning. You just might find exactly what you were looking for...


  1. Oh man that was so positive!

    I've done the exact same thing. Except I was less enlightened about it. Maybe I should rethink my attitude about it...

  2. I'm telling you...this sort of thing would be great for a magazine called Brio, a Christian magazine for teens. look it up.

  3. That was fantastic. I totally know the feeling of being stabbed in the gut by old memories. Kudos, man, kudos.
