Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Glow

The wind softly catches my hair
sun blazes through my tinted sunglasses
my skin absorbing its beauty.
The water around me glistens softly
as if painting a picture with its cool contrasts
At that moment,
I feel more than the wind
than the sun
I feel a look.
A glance from behind me
the feeling quickly overwhelms me
the feeling more beautiful than the waves or rays
The look takes me back
to the first time i looked
the first time i really saw
the first time i realized how much i loved that look
the first time i felt loved
I glance over my shoulders to see the owner of the gazers
owner of the glance
one responsible for the feeling that is consuming my thoughts
I see him
his brought browns
looking at me
sending me that smile
that one look is all I need
I turn back around
and for once I show the sun how I can glow.
Making it jealous


  1. Wow this is really good. Has a lot of depth to it but still in a simplistic kinda of way. I loved it.

  2. niceee imagery. I loved it!

  3. I love it! I think this is the best thing you've written so far.

    I really like lines 6-11.

  4. It's obviously been forever since you wrote on here, but I went looking through my blogs and I wanted to tell you that even though I've read this before, it blew me away just like it did the first time. Don't quit writing, you've got an amazing talent.
